15 Happiness Quotes From The Bible That guides us to Happiness and Joy through God's Word!

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1
Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24
I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. Psalm 1:1-6
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2
Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2
You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. Luke 1:14
Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves, so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. Job 5:17
He who despises his neighbor sins, But happy is he who is gracious to the poor. Proverbs 14:21
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. John 3:18
But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. Peter 4:13
How happy your people must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! Chronicles 9:7

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