Mahatma Gandhi Quotes About Love, Compassion And Relationships

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes About Love, Compassion And Relationships

Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love. 
Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.
A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good he has done to his fellowmen.
If your heart acquires strength, you will be able to remove blemishes from others without thinking evil of them.
The golden rule to apply in all such cases is resolutely to refuse to have what millions cannot.
Whether humanity will consciously follow the law of love, I do not know. But that need not disturb me. The law will work just as the law of gravitation works, whether we accept it or not.
The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern scientists.
I first learned the concepts of nonviolence in my marriage.
A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.
Hatred ever kills, love never dies. Such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred.
Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love. 
I believe that the sum total of the energy of mankind is not to bring us down but to lift us up, and that is the result of the definite, if unconscious, working of the law of love.
Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day: I shall not fear anyone on Earth. I shall fear only God. I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.
I claim that human mind or human society is not divided into watertight compartments called social, political and religious. All act and react upon one another.
Where love is, there God is also.
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
Man can never be a woman’s equal in the spirit of selfless service with which nature has endowed her.
Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being.
I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.
Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.
Intolerance betrays want of faith in one’s cause.
Civilization is the encouragement of differences. 

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