The Most Famous Tim Ferriss Quotes That Will Boost Your Mind

The Most Famous Tim Ferriss Quotes That Will Boost Your Mind

What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.
Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask.
You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.
Focus on being productive instead of busy. 
What are the worst things that could happen?
There has never been a better time for testing the uncommon.
The bottom line is that you only have the rights you fight for.
Stop wishing and start doing.
Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.
Most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.

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