“It’s okay to love something a little too much, as long as it’s real to you.” – Gerard Way
”I would rather wear honest tears than the most beautiful and elaborately faked smile.” – Tyler Knott Gregson”But we have to learn to be free. We have to, Nell. Doesn’t mean happy all the time, or okay all the time. It’s okay not to be okay. I told you that, but I’m relearning it myself. But not being okay doesn’t mean you stop living.” – Jasinda Wilder
”Some things are only real because they represent what we think. When we learn the truth and think it, the old reality is no longer real to us and loses its hold on us. The truth sets us free.” – C. Terry Warner
”The easiest way to gain someone’s trust is to deserve it. This should be pretty easy, assuming you’re just being you and being real. Minimal effort too.” – Ashly Lorenzana
”Real is better, the truth is better. Painful but better.” – Cath Crowley
”Entertainment is temporary happiness, but the real happiness is permanent entertainment.” – Amit Kalantri
”It takes courage to become authentic. So many talk about the light but not enough speak the truth about the struggles it takes to get there and the tools to overcome it all.” – Nikki Rowe
”Real is hard to find, and sometimes harder to differentiate. Fakes is acceptable by many, because its takes a lot of strength and courage to be real and more to stay REAL.” – Annelise Lords