Wise Tim Ferriss Quotes That Can Transform Your Life

Doing something unimportant well does not make it important. If the recipe sucks, it doesn’t matter how good a cook you are. You’re never as bad as they say you are, but you’re never as good as they say you are either. Most people are fast to stop you before you get started...

21 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Life

Most of the time, “What should I do with my life?” is a terrible question. I believe that life exists to be enjoyed, and that the most important thing is to feel good about yourself. To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time...

13 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Happiness, Gratitude And Love

The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is – here’s the clincher – boredom. Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all. I’m often asked how I define “success.”...

30 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Business, Entrepreneurship And Marketing

The secret to winning any game lies in not trying too hard. Marketing can grab customers, but product multiplies them. Marketing to me means to identify exactly who your ideal customer is: knowing their behavior, knowing their age, knowing their gender, knowing their...

31 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Money, Investing And Startups

Enough is enough. Lemmings no more. The blind quest for cash is a fool’s errand. True freedom is much more than having enough income and time to do what you want. If you can free your time and location, your money is automatically worth 3-10 times as much. The majority...

33 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Productivity And Efficiency

People are least productive in reactive mode. If this were the only thing I accomplished today, would I be satisfied with my day? Will moving this forward make all the other to-do’s unimportant or easier to knock off later? It’s often what you do, not how you do it,...

11 Tim Ferriss Quotations About 80/20, Pareto’s Law And Parkinson’s Law

Pareto’s Law can be summarized as follows: 80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs. What 20% of customers/products/regions are producing 80% of the profit? What factors or shared characteristics might account for this?” Many such questions later, I began making...

13 Tim Ferriss Quotations About Discipline, Distractions, Focus And Laziness

The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.  I value self-discipline, but creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self-control. If we’re talking about just distractions, we’re talking about...

18 Tim Ferriss Quotations About Simplifying, Resting And Being Busy

My agenda became a list of everyone else’s agendas. What might I put in place to allow me to go off the grid for 4 to 8 weeks, with no phone or email? No newspapers, magazines, audiobooks, or nonmusic radio. Music is permitted at all times. No news websites whatsoever...

9 Tim Ferriss Quotations About Not-to-do list

Do not answer calls from unrecognize d phone numbers. […] It just results in unwanted interruption and poor negotiating position. Let it go to voicemail and relax. Do not e-mail first thing in the morning or last thing at night. The former scrambles your priorities and...

Tim Ferriss Quotes About Meditation And Mindfulness Practice

I meditate almost every morning for 20 minutes. More than 80% of the interviewees have some form of daily mindfulness or meditation practice. (Tools Of Titans) For me, it’s been getting over that resistance to what I perceived as sort of a “woo-woo new agey” type of thing...

Tim Ferriss Quotations About Health, Running And Yoga

The first thing I would do for anyone who’s trying to lose body fat, for instance, would be to remove foods from the house that he or she would consume during lapses of self-control. Now, it’s literally #1 (health). What does this mean? If I sleep poorly and have an...

14 Tim Ferriss Quotations About Diet, Slow Carb Diet And Fasting

The advice I give for sustainable behavioral change, including diet, is that you make one change at a time. Everyone is going to binge on a diet, for instance, so plan for it, schedule it, and contain the damage. The Slow-Carb Diet succeeds where other diets fail for...

20 Tim Ferriss Quotations About Stoicism

The more you schedule and practice discomfort deliberately, the less unplanned discomfort will throw off your life and control your life. Stoicism can help you to become a better, kinder person. In helping you to become less emotionally reactive (e.g., reflexively angry...

21 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Growth mindset, Failures And Criticism

I’ve certainly stumbled a lot, but that’s how you figure things out. The first book (4 Hour Work Week) was turned down by 26 publishers. Get good at being a troublemaker and saying sorry when you really screw up. When everything and everyone is failing, what is the...

17 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Learning, Thinking And Education

My goal is to learn things once and use them forever. Information without emotion isn’t retained. Much like you would train your body, you can train your mind. To learn is to live. I see no other option. Once the learning curve flattens out, I get bored. Though you can...

11 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Fear And Pain

If the challenge we face doesn’t scare us, then it’s probably not that important. For overcoming fear, I think that an exercise called “fear-setting” is extremely helpful. Fear-setting has produced my biggest business and personal successes, as well as repeatedly helped...

28 Tim Ferriss Quotes About Suicide, Depression And Death

There are some secrets we don’t share because they’re embarrassing. In hindsight, it’s incredible how trivial some of it seems. At the time, though, it was the perfect storm. I include wording like “impossible situation,” which was reflective of my thinking at the time,...

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