12 Selena Gomez Inspirational Quotes on Succes

If you are able to look yourself in the mirror every day with the decisions that you make, that's where power starts." Selena Gomez 

 " I'm human, I'm not perfect. I make mistakes all the time, but I guess my job is to keep those mistakes to myself, which I'm already fine doing and just try to be the best I can be for those kids. " Selena Gomez

 " Girl power is almost more powerful and more special than anything we are competing for. " Selena Gomez

This is my time. I’ve deserved this. I earned it. This is all me. "  Selena Gomez
 " If you are broken you do not have to stay broken. "  Selena Gomez

I feel safe with my fans. I’m going to meet every single one of them. They’re the goodness of what I do. " Selena Gomez
 " I'm glad my life was never perfect. " Selena Gomez

There’s a certain standard women are held to because...I don’t know. So many women nowadays are so loud about it. We need to cause a bit of uproar, because I have seen it. I have experienced it. It’s absurd. " Selena Gomez

 " I realize everybody wants what they don't have. But at the end of the day, what you have inside is much more beautiful than what's on the outside! " - Selena Gomez 

I've gotten to the point where the label of 'best friend' is so ridiculous. If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world. "  - Selena Gomez 

 " You can't be afraid of what people are going to say, because you're never going to make everyone happy.  "    Selena Gomez 

You all have pressure that you have to deal with every day – with school, with work, with friends, with parents, with family. [People] tell me what to wear, how to look, what I should say, how I should be. Until recently I had given into that pressure, I lost sight of who I was. I listened to opinions of people and I tried to change who I am because I thought others would accept me for it. And I realized I don't know how to be anything but myself." Selena Gomez

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